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Happy Customers

"Miss Patches! (Photo was included.) She has made a beautiful dog! She is spoiled rotten! She's my baby & sidekick! Hope you had a Merry Christmas & wishing you a Happy New Year!
It's been 3 years Doug has gone to be with the Lord. This Christmas has been very emotional for me & I just can't explain. Patches has been a delight. I can't believe she will be 2 this year. She has a personality & makes me laugh a lot. She loves to ride & most of the time she is with me. She is spoil but that's ok."

Libby Talley

Patricia-   Just checking in with you regarding our little boy Maverick.   He was the best dog ever as we drove back to Texas.  Can’t imagine life without our little pup!   His Mama looks just like our boy Boudreaux, who we had to put down on Jan. 2nd.  He was so smart!  Rita keeps telling me not to make comparisons of Boo and Mav.  Watch it, we may just kidnap Maverick’s Mama too.   Lol....

Richard and Rita Tucker

Hi Patricia,

I just want to let you know how much we love Khan. He is so fun and a complete bundle of energy. My other dog loves him and he loves her. My girls can’t get enough of him. The oldest one has been a fabulous help. He is teaching her a new level of responsibility. They are so great together.

He is signed up in a puppy class at pet smart and is learning soooo fast. He loves to go on walks and he has started to slowly train for running with me by leash sprinting. We have to strengthen and callus his little paws before we do distance running. Maybe in about a half year. Khan LOVES to chew on everything, so we are puppy proofing the house for the next several months till he is through teething.  There is no shortage of toys.  He has already learned to sit, watch me, and we are working on loose leash walking and shake hands.

He has a heart of gold and feisty spirit. He is finally starting get on our schedule and I love my snuggles with him. I still get up at night with him to take him out but I hope he will be able to hold his pee through night the in the next month or so  We tried to go all night but he had an accident three nights in a row. So I’m just going to push him a little longer gradually. Thank you for letting us have him. He is soooo pretty and sweet. His coat is really beautiful and the darker brindle spots are covering more of his body. Thanks again.
God Bless,

Cassey Newcomb

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